Saturday, July 2, 2011

Baby number 2 - breaking news

A few months ago I discovered I was pregnant, which was great news! I felt and still feel ready for number 2. Only thing was I was shocked to hear I was already 12 weeks pregnant when I expected to be maybe just a month! Anyway, excitement soon took over and I was pretty confident I was having a girl.

So the days went by, and I eventually had to go for a scan to see the sex of the baby. The doctor calmly announced that it was another boy. What! Another boy? Instant disappointment (which lasted for about 10 minutes at most - yeah being a mother)

Now you need to understand why it's such a big deal that I'm having another boy, this is my last baby so I'll never have a daughter! I'll never get to buy pink ribbons or have a manicure with my girl. Why not? Because hubby wanted only one child, and I convinced him that a girl would be a nice addition, then it turns out it's a boy!
That being said, I am thrilled that I'll be the only female in my household. Apparently I'll be spoiled rotten by the 3 men in the house, and from what I've seen with the current 2 men, this is very true.

So yes, my dear friends, I am pregnant and due pretty soon!