Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big brother TJ

When I first told TJ that I had a baby in my tummy, he looked at me like I had lost it and then started laughing hysterically. It was completely insane to him that there could be a baby in the tummy! I did not explain any further but kept on mentioning it so he could get used to the idea.

Eventually he started noticing my growing tummy and so started announcing to people that mummy had a big tummy! We then started discussing whether it was a brother or sister, to which he insisted that it was a brother. He stated it very well that as a boy he should get a brother not a sister! I suppose it's a good thing that it turned out to be a boy, because big brother would have been disappointed.
Over the months, he started talking to the baby, and sometimes shouting at the baby to come out. Occasionally he asked if I couldn't open my tummy a little for him to peep and see the baby's hand or foot. He was so eager to meet his baby brother, and pointed out baby stuff in shops and asking if we could buy it for baby brother - if it were up to him I'd have a closet full of baby clothes and toys.

Now that the baby is here, TJ is proving to be a loving and protective brother and that makes me the happiest mum on earth, although I do worry about him feeding the poor baby all sorts of things....but that's another article altogether!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Number 2 is here!

Over a week ago, on 22 July, I delivered a beautiful baby boy! His name is Vuyo Karmel and he is an absolute angel!
He sleeps through the night and wakes up for feeds and nappy changes.
TJ is also excited about having a baby brother, and is still trying to understand why we cannot feed the baby I always say, that's another article altogether!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Baby number 2 - breaking news

A few months ago I discovered I was pregnant, which was great news! I felt and still feel ready for number 2. Only thing was I was shocked to hear I was already 12 weeks pregnant when I expected to be maybe just a month! Anyway, excitement soon took over and I was pretty confident I was having a girl.

So the days went by, and I eventually had to go for a scan to see the sex of the baby. The doctor calmly announced that it was another boy. What! Another boy? Instant disappointment (which lasted for about 10 minutes at most - yeah being a mother)

Now you need to understand why it's such a big deal that I'm having another boy, this is my last baby so I'll never have a daughter! I'll never get to buy pink ribbons or have a manicure with my girl. Why not? Because hubby wanted only one child, and I convinced him that a girl would be a nice addition, then it turns out it's a boy!
That being said, I am thrilled that I'll be the only female in my household. Apparently I'll be spoiled rotten by the 3 men in the house, and from what I've seen with the current 2 men, this is very true.

So yes, my dear friends, I am pregnant and due pretty soon!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Christmas 2010 - what we got up to in Zanzibar

I like the way he holds the binoculars like a grown up.....

Replaced teacher "N"

So TJ just refused my offer to kiss him where it hurts, because his teacher N (whom we shall call "N", for fear of a lawsuit if I mention real names, and also because I want her to keep liking me) will put magic cream on it!!! What the...? Magic cream? I have been kissing away all his pain for all these years, and suddenly teacher N waltzes in with some magic cream, which I know is nothing but camphor cream, and promises my son that it takes the pain away! And now me and him no longer have our special "mummy will kiss the pain away" bond.
Isn't that so sad? Really, teacher N, pain was my gig, yours was just to educate him....